A lull between rain storms, I was able to get almost two hours of data for NGC 3184, 39 x 180 s exposures. The mount is tracking beautifully and its light pollution that prevents me doing longer exposures. The star colours aren't brilliant. Apparently this is one of the problems of using a DSLR as opposed to a CCD.
Wikipedia: NGC 3184 is a spiral galaxy approximately 40 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It has two HII regions named NGC 3180 and NGC 3181.
NGC 3184 houses a high abundance of heavy elements and (SN 1999gi) that was a magnitude 14 Type II supernova detected on December 9, 1999
NGC 3184 in Ursa Major |
Wikipedia: NGC 3184 is a spiral galaxy approximately 40 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It has two HII regions named NGC 3180 and NGC 3181.
NGC 3184 houses a high abundance of heavy elements and (SN 1999gi) that was a magnitude 14 Type II supernova detected on December 9, 1999
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