Tuesday, 12 November 2019

First Moon Mosaic

I have removed the focal reducer and am now using the telescope at F/10. This means more magnification, though slower images. This is better for objects such as planets and  the Moon. So, here is my first ever mosaic, of an area called Grimaldi, near the limb of the Moon. Fairly flat image , because the Moon was almost full. The image is based on 500+ images, stacked and processed in Registax. Basically, this means the software selects the images that are closest to each other in focus, as the atmosphere distorts the images, then aligns and stacks them.

Grimaldi, in two pane mosaic

An unprocessed photo of the moon.

Single image  of Grimaldi, showing the effect of the atmosphere on a 'focussed' image

So, Registax is pretty good!

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