Tuesday, 22 September 2020

NGC 281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia

 Ongoing, really. Only have 1 hr 15 mins in each channel so far.  The field of view is smaller than the nebula. Also , I haven't tried to control the star size( though I have had little to show for it to date when trying on other pics, I have yet to find a work flow that I can follow with the software I use).

Best Mars image so far

 Good seeing last night and Mars was fairly high in the sky.  

Polar cap, clouds on the limb, no canals or martianssss.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

NGC40 Bow Tie Nebula in Cepheus

 The image is based on around 40 mins in each R, G, B and L, 118s subs, at a gain of 139. Calibrated with dark flats and flats.

Wikipedia:     NGC 40 (also known as the Bow-Tie Nebula and Caldwell 2) is a planetary nebula discovered by William Herschel on November 25, 1788, and is composed of hot gas around a dying star. The star has ejected its outer layer which has left behind a smaller, hot star with a temperature on the surface of about 50,000 degrees Celsius. Radiation from the star causes the shed outer layer to heat to about 10,000 degrees Celsius, and is about one light-year across. About 30,000 years from now, scientists theorize that NGC 40 will fade away, leaving only a white dwarf star approximately the size of Earth.

First Image of Mars

 Last night I captured several 1000 frame videos of Mars. Unfortunately, the highest resolution ones were too dark and I haven't been able to process the images.  I was able to get some red, green and blue images at a lower resolution and so have my first ever image of Mars, in colour too.

I also processed an image of Saturn, captured in mono, on 8th August.