Friday, 6 September 2019

September Tour

And following the theme...
All single shots, exposures up to 30 s.

NGC 6939 and NGC 6946 in Cepheus
The next one is particularly interesting, a double star only about 11 light years from Sol. It is close enough to show parallax and is moving fast enough that in 6 years, the pair will have moved 'one pair width' against the background. So , in six months I shall see if I can image it and measure the parallax!

61 Cygni


Dumbbell Nebula Vulpecula
 This is a very short exposure, since any longer ones overexposed the two stars and the double could not be seen.
Gamma Delphini

M17 Swan Nebula

M56 Globular Cluster in Lyra

M71 Globular Cluster in Sagitta

NGC 7063 Open Cluster in Cygnus 

Not terribly exciting, but the blob in the middle is not a star but is the very compact 'Blinking Nebula' It gets the name since it is best seen using averted vision, when you look at it directly in a telecope it tends to 'disappear'.
The Blinking Nebula
 NGC 6826 in Cygnus