The best night of the year so far. No moon, almost no wind, dark and clear (and cold!). So, the three targets were:
1. Uranus. Could I identify it ?
2. M78 (unintentional but my mount will not do an automatic meridian flop, so I needed to target something across the meridian for an hour or so until my real target (Rosette) had crossed as well).
3. The real target for the night, the Rosette Nebula in Monoceros.
The results:
1. Uranus ...and Titania! Having checked the position using, Cartes du Ciel and the Sky and Telescope Moons of Uranus tool, this is a pretty confident result!
Uranus and Titania in Pisces |
2. M78 in Orion. The bonus in this one was to get a bit of Barnard's Loop. At first I thought it was noise, but checking against other peoples (much better) photos, the red on the right is definitely part of the loop. Noisy image though, only based on 11 x 180 s exposures.
M78 and Barnard's Loop |
3. La Piece de la Resistance !
The Rosette Nebula in Monoceros. |